Tuesday 21 April 2015

The New Tomorrowland Trailer Shows George Clooney's Badass Fight Scene

The New Tomorrowland Trailer Shows George Clooney's Badass Fight Scene

Well it looks like George Clooney's still got it. And by "it" we don't mean acting chops, good looks or the most accomplished wife around. Sure he has all that, but we're talking about that badass factor. It's not often we get to see
Clooney get super physical in a role (he's more the strong- worded type), but he proves he can hang with the best in the new Tomorrowland trailer. Well, maybe not the best...but he's
still impressive. The clip give us a look inside Clooney's characters crazy futuristic house--you know, the one that's a portal to another world? Britt Robertson shows up to get
some answers on that magic pin she found, and it turns out that a huge team of bad guys has followed her there. Luckily Clooney's got his newly-minted martial arts training to help
defend them. He shows off everything: The grab-the-gun move, the knock-you-out-with-your-own-gun move, even the chop-off-the-bad-guy's-arm move. And yes, those are the
technical terms. Oh, and let's not forget about that bathtub rocket--George and Britt give that a ride, too. Tomorrowland hits theaters on May 22.

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