Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Are we aware that every man or woman wants attentions from their partners most particularly in the bedrooms. If you don't know what it takes to satisfy your partner, it is essential that we should all find out.
A woman should know what her husband or boyfriend likes if it is his favorite food he particularly enjoys. Make sure you prepare it every time.
Also men generally want their Wives to be exited about sex, it must be a fun thing and not with force. They should both look forward to it and make it a thrilling experience for both of them. Men hate woman that fail to smile or be happy as she is being made love with. Sex is one of the most important things that men think or fantasize about so it is essential and important that wives should satisfy them by all means without aggressions involving in their bed. Men appreciate wives that seduce them into bed and willingly turn them on. One thing my man will want more of is sex. Your man will be very glad if you will be ready for more frequent sex. Remember, an average man want sex at least twice a week.
Additionally, men want their wives to dress cute and inviting. No man wants his wife to dress shabbily like an old woman.
A wife or partner must look good and dress fitted at all cost.
You must be caring, loving, affectionate and giving to your partner in the bed room or any where.

Saturday, 25 October 2014


A relationship contains of two persons and the two must be united, they must understand themselves, believe in the strength of their relationship by showing genuine love, feelings, true affections between one another.
An healthy relationship starts when the two shares the same passions, intimacy.

Sex should be one of the things they use to connect with each other at least everyday.

All partners should always connect by having a day or two out of work to relax and get to know each other more and better. Going out often relaxes the brain and relationships build up faster when they connect all the time.

3 Things That Forms A Strong Relationship

In every marriage or relationship there's always a job to be done and shared among two partners in the family for example talking bath for the children, handling the laundry, or taking the trash out. If a woman wants to be treated like a queen, she must have the attitude of saying `thank you' to her husband even if he was unable to fix the job.
She mustn't be cold and abusive towards her husband failing to complete the job in the family. Both of them should help out to do the job but if one has failed or was unable, the other one should at least show appreciation and this means giving him or her the focus of your undivided attention at some point and everyday.

There is a simple rule or how to treat your spouse with dignity, just treat him the way you would like to be treated.
A woman should always show love by having respect  for her husband, she must be proud of him and not drag him down in public. Respect is the foundation of love.
In every marriage the word I LOVE YOU should be said everyday to each other. Love is not just a word it should be put into action. It also builds relationships deeper and stronger. Nagging women meet themselves at wrong side of failed marriages.
Marriage is about men and women working together, you both need each other. Therefore, appreciating your spouse, giving him or her  respect and showering him or her with love is the basis of a strong marriage.

Being a Perfect Gentleman

Humans are like animals most particularly the men, they sometimes becomes ignorant in most cases. This types of men have the attributes of becoming a very abusive husband or partner. This is the type of husband that believes he knows everything. He is the unbending, self-involved and unyielding type. Nobody can neither correct nor counsel him.
In any relationship if one of the partner is an autocratic or corrosive husband, it is a guarantee that the relationship cannot live for a long period of time so women must be very careful in selecting our future partner without any haste.
According to the bible scripture in genesis 2: 22-24. And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, this is now bones of my bines, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
This entails to us that Adam was a man who loved Eve ( his partner ) they were together in the garden naked. They bore children together and nurtured their children together, here Adam behaved like a perfect gentleman who listens and obeyed the commandments of God. They lived together for many years which brought about the existence of everyone of us today.
A man has to be the one who needs to listen to his wife and help her. He must not be dictative and controlling and even if a fight brakes out among them that eventually happens. The man has to be the one to step out to show respect and avoid confrontations with his partner which could lead to the end of the relationship.
In every relationship, fights and arguments are bound to occur, they are inevitable but it is the duty of a man to take the responsibility of showing his wife love by being a perfect gentleman so that unity will reign among them.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014


Most women in Nigeria intend to become nothing in life most especially when they are married. I am not against being an house wife but not with standing, with a small scale market that now a day house wives could venture into will bring about a bit of Independence and not always depending on one's husband for house maintenance, groceries, sanitary wares etc. They may not be willing or able to finance all these things in most cases. Most married men are not even capable in paying their children school fees.
Lack of supplies of food, clothes, and amenities turn some married men mad and they become ignorant and abusive on their wives, all these came as a result of only one person in the whole family is the root of source of income. I have seen many crashed marriages even in the area where i live, most of their marriages experience maltreating of the woman in the house.
I experienced a man who dragged his wife out of their house and then beats the hell out of her. All because the man's business was no longer booming like before, all his business started crumbling but before this he was comfortable to have his wife as a stay home mom.
I as a person will never allow any man to batter my face in public like that nor in the house where we live. I would prefer to at least have something doing so that every little thing my husband can't afford I can always look into my purse to acquire such items. I advice every stay home mum to practically start a small business today for a start just to know how well the business would go.
Being independent keeps the family strong, united and able to adapt in any strange, tragic, or sudden situation. May our God help us and bless we women with ideas to start something today Amen.