Wednesday, 22 October 2014


Most women in Nigeria intend to become nothing in life most especially when they are married. I am not against being an house wife but not with standing, with a small scale market that now a day house wives could venture into will bring about a bit of Independence and not always depending on one's husband for house maintenance, groceries, sanitary wares etc. They may not be willing or able to finance all these things in most cases. Most married men are not even capable in paying their children school fees.
Lack of supplies of food, clothes, and amenities turn some married men mad and they become ignorant and abusive on their wives, all these came as a result of only one person in the whole family is the root of source of income. I have seen many crashed marriages even in the area where i live, most of their marriages experience maltreating of the woman in the house.
I experienced a man who dragged his wife out of their house and then beats the hell out of her. All because the man's business was no longer booming like before, all his business started crumbling but before this he was comfortable to have his wife as a stay home mom.
I as a person will never allow any man to batter my face in public like that nor in the house where we live. I would prefer to at least have something doing so that every little thing my husband can't afford I can always look into my purse to acquire such items. I advice every stay home mum to practically start a small business today for a start just to know how well the business would go.
Being independent keeps the family strong, united and able to adapt in any strange, tragic, or sudden situation. May our God help us and bless we women with ideas to start something today Amen.

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