Friday, 16 January 2015


Many are wondering what will basically happen after 2015 elections. All we know is that it is already looking scary, it looks like a war. Well, we don't know who the people will vote for so it all depends on who Nigerians wants to choose to be their next president. In the people's mind are what are we to expect after, what are our benefits? Is the country going to change in terms of developments in infrastructures, economy, political, social lives etc. Are we going to see rapid growth in the country, increase in employment, no more boko haram, and prestige in the international politics.

What are we to expect after 2015 elections is what most Nigerian peoples are desperate to know. Many of the politicians are just there for the sake of their own personal interest, they don't care if the people are suffering or not. Many of them will fight to secure a sit in the parliament. While things are tough now around the country, many graduates are with no job. The Federal government has failed on many accounts to satisfy the peoples needs, boko haram bombing everywhere and killing people and the government has done nothing about it. The Federal government mismanaged our national resources, all we are left with is to pray for God to save us.

It burdens me deeply that there are some human beings on earth that will see his/her fellow citizens suffer without having any conscience to think twice of what in particular the people are facing. All he thinks about is how he/she will steal from the country's budget. It is a pity that our political government shuns the cries of the its peoples. When will look at the history of Nigerian leaders, there are no accounts for the best political leader in the second republic. 

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