Monday, 23 March 2015

REMEMBER that your life matters more than the vote!

REMEMBER that your life matters more than the vote!

    Dress responsibly and avoid adorning any political attire, party logos etc. to prevent mistaken identity and possible victimization. Please remember that no campaign is allowed during elections. Avoid wearing politically branded T shirts, caps or bearing handbills, posters, pamphlets and banners of candidates. This can pose as a risk.

    Avoid joining in on inciting discussions at the voting center which may be capable of fanning the embers of political discord amongst the political parties and their agents

   Stay away from parked cars and abandoned packages, luggage etc.

    Do not buy drinks, snacks, etc. around polling centers, nor should you share/receive consumables or gifts from anyone at the polling centers. If you sense danger or suspect any foul play, report to the approved Security Agents. Don’t take the law into your own hands!

   Avoid taking your vehicle, kids or expensive jewelries and other personal belongings to the polling centers

    As part of security arrangements, church halls should be vacated after every church service within 1 hour. Brethren should not be allowed to hang or cluster around the church hall or entrances after services or programs

    Vehicles should not be allowed to park close to the entrances of the church facilities for pick up or drop off
You are encouraged to be extra-vigilant and law-abiding during this period.

Further information will be provided as the elections draw near. Take this information very seriously. Pass to every member of your family and friends you care about.��.....

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